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The Three Focuses Part I


Updated: Dec 7, 2018

December 4, 2018

I have been in the process of late of zeroing in on what I want to say on my new health coaching and healing website, I had a big aha moment the other day when I realized that I could not just offer coaching about food. Although this is a great service and as of now I am qualified (getting ready to graduated from IIN in January), this is not me. I have to honor this drive, a compulsion really, to work with energy through educating about our connection to our energy bodies and also working with it with people directly. I realized that if this is the goal:

A healthier, more aware, more awakening life.

Then foundationally there has to be a combination of:


Lower Stress Responses

Understanding and connecting with our own personal energy centers or chakras

When Jeffrey Allen said in a class I am taking with him the other day that when it comes to healing, energy really is first (and the physical manifests from that), I really took that to heart.

This is a very different way of thinking than where even the natural health world is at the moment, let alone the conventional one. But to me it makes sense. After all, you can’t have a law of the universe (thoughts create things, energy creates matter) and not have it apply to our own bodies and health as well!

This is why I have decided to focus on these three things with people first and foremost and let all else (dietary changes, sup recommendations, mission and vision statements, business goals, whatever), fall like sand from them. This will go, I believe, for folks I work with whether they want to change a diet, lose weight, heal from disease or create a business.

After all, one cannot create change—any change at all--- if one is down on themselves all the time, stressed out, and see the world and their lives only from a material standpoint. Well, who knows, maybe someone can but I don’t think that is the kind of person I want to work with, you know?

I guess the next question is…what comes first of the three? I think that is where I will go next in Part II so stay tuned!



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