November 8, 2018
After four days of not meditating in the AM for an hour and a half (I have been doing Dr Joe Dispenza's Blessing of the Energy Centers IV since June), I wound up with a huge headache last night and a thousand thoughts going through my head at once. Plus I was majorly depressed and wondering what the hell I am even doing on this swirling planet and who the hell am I to have BIG CRAZY DREAMS and what is the whole point anyways?
Blah blah blah. Yep it was time to get back on the cushion again.
Plus I had gotten my “moon” again after hoping that I wouldn’t and it is always a messy affair these days... achy soreness, non-stop bleeding.
Gross I know.
But hey this is the uncensored blog. Check out THIS BLOG to find out WHY WOMEN IN PERIMENOPAUSE MAY EXPERIENCE THIS and what you can do about it. There is a scientific explanation and a natural solution, I promise.
Anyways, I digress. This morning, I sat. The laid down. Then sat up again. Then had to go to the bathroom again. Then I put the BEMER attachment thingy on my aching head. Then on my midsection, all the while attempting to focus my attention on Dr. Joe’s voice….. aaannnddd rreeecciiiieeevve….
Again, I wondered, what’s the point of all this?
Finally my cantankerous, bleeding, achy, nauseous, hurting-from-head-to-toe body decided to calm down for just a bit. Just long enough to turn on the waterworks.
I am used to strange things happening to my body when I meditate lately. I am used to time standing still. To spasms. To energy surges. To what could be downloads. But the profuse crying is new to me. Especially since it doesn’t seem like it is the normal balling that usually happens after a crisis, be it external or existential.
No, this is just another way of releasing energy. But it is deep. It is profound. It could be “all about me” on one level. On another level, nothing is ever just “all about me,” is it?
Yeah, I know this is going to sound dramatic but I am going to say it anyways. Sometimes it feels like when I cry in meditation this way, I am sluffing off all the goobery garbage and negative emotional waste of a collective of souls. Women. Men. Just cleaning it up a bit, I guess.
And this morning I got a clear message as I wavered in and out of my conscious mind, my habitual mind, the part of me that just wants to make a sweet potato and egg bowl RIGHT NOW (you know the part of you that says, teenage style, OOHHH MY GODD, THIS IS SOOOOO BORING!) …and that deeper part of me that does not recognize space nor time nor hunger for that matter.
The message was: JUST LET HIM LOVE YOU.
Not in your way. Not on your terms. But how he wants to do it. Just allow. Just receive.
Then I got the message clear as day to put that little bit of wisdom from my friends in another density on a notecard and share it with y’all. So here it is.
I mean, as crazy as it sounds, how can you argue with Universal Intelligence? Who am I to say no to Divine Inspiration?
So here is an activity that you CAN try at home:
Sometimes when we get messages from our higher selves, from God, from the Divine or however you want to call it, we tend to complicate things.
Those that love you from other realms are gently yet coyly saying, KISS! (its an acronym folks)
Get out a notecard and a big black marker. Write down the inspiration you may recieve in one sentence or less. The fewer words the better. In fact, if it is just one word, that’s the best!
Put the notecard in a place where you can see it every day for at least a week.
Since I tend to be wordy, I’ll stick with a sentence for now. 😉