November 1, 2018
Sometimes you come across a gem on the internet, amidst the crowded quagmire of questionable material that can often be there. That was the case the other night. I forgot what I was looking for, but it wasn’t anything at all pertaining to this topic.
But then all of the sudden there it was. A TED talk (I love TED Talks) on a particularly juicy and mysterious subject: Mindful Sex. I know about mindfulness. In fact, soon I will be coaching about it quite a lot as a health coach to (hopefully) LOTS of people. And, of course, I know about sex, or at least I’d heard about the concept LOL.
The two words together intrigued me. So I clicked and before I knew it I was listening to a very calm, soft voice speaking about making love in a totally different context than I’d ever heard before.
I won’t give away all the goods. Instead, I encourage you to check out this 20-minute talk by tantric expert and author of 13 books on the subject, Diana Richardson.
Suffice it to say that I was impressed by her intelligence on a subject that is complicated to say the least, painful for many, full of illusion for most and a sometimes shameful, sometimes joyous, often confusing part of being a human being and a social animal.
Happy viewing!