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The difference between melancholy and anxiety and depression

Is a subtle but a distinct one

Melancholy is slow, methodical, contemplative

It is a grey fog between me and the darkened abyss of the sea

It is seeing a distant ship

Blinking in the twilight one…two…three

It is the hope of someone coming in to shore

Of anything

Coming to shore

Melancholy can be loneliness

Can be boredom

And at the same time knowing

That no mundane thing

Like a TV show or an old friend

Or a band on the boardwalk

Will help shake it

Melancholy looks for something absolutely grand

And magical

And stupendous

And completely unbelievable

To take its place

Nothing else will do

Melancholy is, in fact, synonymous with the sea

And sailors

I used to be one

It is remembering

Old loves

And old pictures and old times

Is it nostalgia?

No and it can never be

Nostalgia and melancholy are cousins

But distant ones

Melancholy evaluates the depths of its own depression

It is black overcoats and sad sappy poems

That mean nothing

Like this one

Nostalgia on the other hand

Are pink ribbons

Curly haired little girls and the smell

Of old moth balls

And tinny perfume

All of the images it conjures up

Mean nothing as well

But nostalgia thinks that they

Are all real

And what is really important

In this world

Nostalgia waxes

Melancholy wanes

Melancholy makes me write


It is a craving inside

It is root chakra

It is sacral

Melancholy can turn to desire

In a second

Melancholy observes

Its own heat

And anxiety and depression?

Those are characters

For a whole other poem altogether.



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