Nov 26 2018
Insight: When one is on the right path, especially when one has made a direct, decision in a clear way towards the most courageous choice and action in 3D-- a choice that realigns timelines to a more direct path towards service and consciousness-- then the energy pulsing through one that comes from source is stronger, most alive, more robust, more in-tune and streamline, more in focus, more vibrant, more filled with life!
Especially in meditation, I can feel It rushing through my veins, like tiny waves of lightening, thunderbolts of goodness, Divine and powerful, not subtle at all in fact. Visceral, inundating, pulsing wave-light.
I wonder …Who else? Who else feels the pulsing of all Life through the muscles and the bloodstream and the energetic channels as I do?
I am grateful, that is all. Grateful that now I have a clear, crystal-clear, rubric from which to measure my life…by the quality and quantity of Energy pulsing through it.